Fun Pediatric Practice For Sale near Greenville, SC
Location: Greenville, South Carolina
Revenue: $1,200,000
Operatories: 6


Active Patient Count: 2450
Type of Practice: Pediatric
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a fun atmosphere in our office.  We are super kid and parent friendly.  We specialize in offering comprehensive Hygiene treatment, Ortho treatment, Restorative and Emergency care.  We have a very nice stand alone office in a desirable area of town.  We are completely Fee For Service.  We are not in network nor do we take Medicaid.  We have very little staff turnover as we treat them like family.  We have 8 team members and would love to bring on the right Pediatric dentist match.  It’s so important for us to find the right person to hand off our great office with out stumbling.  Our owner doctor is willing to work a transition.  Our real estate may be pricey and we are willing to lease for a while or even consider selling outright.

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