Exceptional Arlington, VA practice for Sale
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Revenue: $1,055,627
Operatories: 4
Active Patient Count: 2000
Type of Practice: General
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Sheryl Garfinkel

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This well-appointed, 4 op (3 equipped) practice has a clean, modern feel.  Collections in 2023 were $1M+, with approximately 50% overhead (excellent Cash Flow). Referring out endo, ortho, pedo and OS.  Most of the equipment is around a year old and the technology includes an iTero and a digital pan.  Office is on the 2nd floor of a large apartment complex located in a densely populated area with kids, adults and seniors.  Rent is quite reasonable and there are many large company and government buildings nearby (good insurances!).  Potential room to expand.

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