Cosmetic Dentist Associate / Partner Opportunity
Location: Draper, UT
Revenue: $500,000
Operatories: 5
Active Patient Count: NA
Type of Practice: General
    • Partnership
    • Associateship
Agent: Matt Hamblin

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High-end cosmetic dental office connected to an in-house, world renowned dental lab with a focus on whole health, aesthetics and beauty.  Owner wants to find the right associate and/or future partner.  Looking for a dentist that understands general dentistry with an emphases in cosmetic dentistry, implants and full mouth rehabilitations. This center focuses on long-term treatment planning to benefit the total health of the patient.  Seeking a dentist who loves doing surgeries and aesthetic dentistry, participating in advanced education and research.  The perfect candidate has completed some form of formal advanced training in cosmetic dentistry and enjoys collaboration and partnership with a strong lab and team. The dental practice also partners with and collaborates with a medical spa, health coaching and nutritional cooking to bring patients longevity and enhanced overall health and joy in life.

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