Winston Salem, NC GP Practice for Sale
Location: Winston Salem, North Carolina Area
Revenue: $750,000
Operatories: 6
Active Patient Count: 1600
Type of Practice: General
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a well established 2 generation general practice. The office has 2 doctor offices as it was built for 2 dentists. Our Senior doctor is willing to work a transition for the new owner. We have digital sensors and pan. Our staff is great – -We have 1 Assistant and 2 Hygienist along with 2 Front Desk. Our Seller has had many health issues over the past 3 years. They worked 7 months in 2020 – They worked 8 months in 2021. – They worked 12 months in 2022 and began slowing down more in 2023. the practice collects more than $750,000. We are only in network with Delta Dental. We are old school and still use paper charts but that can be converted. Our real estate is for sale or lease – – We are on a high traffic road.

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