Well Established General Dentist Practice in NE Seattle With Great Patient Retention
Location: North East Seattle
Revenue: $2,270,886
Operatories: 8
Active Patient Count: 6,200
Type of Practice: General
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Mara Saucedo

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Charming and prestigious residential neighborhood located in the northeast part of Seattle, Washington.  This area is known for its picturesque surroundings, beautiful homes, and a strong sense of community.    The proximity to the University, residential areas, diverse population, high foot traffic, collaboration opportunities, and access to resources and research make it an appealing location for a dental practice looking to serve a dynamic and intellectual community and build a thriving patient base.  Fantastic location for families!This 35+ year established dental practice is fully digital, equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern amenities that reflect the city's innovative spirit. Newly remodeled, State-of-the-art dental equipment, and advanced treatment techniques are employed to ensure precise and efficient care for patients.   This practice is sought out by its patients for staying abreast of the latest industry advancements by implementing: CEREC, Sirona CBCT, & 3D Printers resulting in the highest standard of dental treatment available.  Fully employed and cross-trained highly skilled team members to include 4 hygienist....! Potential for growth in this practice is limitless!  The owner is excited to work back and see that their team, patients, & new Doctor owner obtain a successful future. 

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