Orthodontic Dental Practice For Sale - Western, NY (Expedited Sale Doctor Death)
Location: Western, New York (60 Minutes from Rochester, NY)
Revenue: $490,397
Operatories: 3


Active Patient Count: Ask for Category Breakdowns
Type of Practice: Orthodontic
    • Sale of Practice
    • Temporary Placement
Agent: Justin Baumann

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This Ortho practice was established in 1993 and is located just 60 minutes south of Rochester, just below the Finger Lakes, in a beautiful area of NY State.  The perfect opportunity for an expansion satellite office.  This is an expedited sale due to seller’s death so timing is of the essence.  The seller would consider a patient transition or practice/real estate sale as the building is owned by the Estate.  The practice currently provides orthodontic services to a large surrounding area.   Services include, but are not limited to, orthodontics, braces, Invisalign, jaw treatment, and clear aligners. The practice currently employs an office manager and an orthodontic assistant.  The Practice operates in the Estate-owned office space that occupies approximately 770 square feet, which includes 3 ops as well as office spaces and a waiting room.  Please contact us with interest as we are looking to move this quickly.

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