Willamette Valley Periodontal Practice For Sale
Location: Willamette Valley
Revenue: $290,000
Operatories: 4
Active Patient Count: N/A
Type of Practice: Periodontics
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Nicole Huftless

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Excellent opportunity to own a highly profitable periodontal practice in the Oregon Willamette Valley MSA . The practice has served its market for over ten years and is tucked into a professional corridor, surrounded by other medical and dental providers. Located on a major thoroughfare with outstanding drive by visibility. Unique set up as the seller takes NO insurance and operates solely on a 100% pre-pay and FFS model. The practice functions on a light overhead framework and is generally open two days per week with 10-12 doctor hours per week. The area is densely populated with very few competitors. Huge value add potential with some community outreach and opening up to insurance networks. Seller relocating out of the area. Revenue: $300K. Sellers Discretionary Earnings: $140K

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