$1.3M Periodontics Practice for sale in Fayettville, North Carolina
Location: Fayettville, North Carolina
Revenue: $1,300,000
Operatories: 5
Active Patient Count: 2500
Type of Practice: Periodontics
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a beautiful office in Fayettville, NC.  We have a “captive” audience as there are not many Periodontist around our area.

5 operatories equipped with A-dec top of the line equipment. Practice is only private periodontal practice in Fayetteville. Gross production for 2021 was $ 1.25 M and for 2022 on track for $1.5 M. Collections are 98% and fee for service (no insurance participation). Work week currently is alternating 3.5 or 4 days yielding 4-day weekend every other one. Mix of services are 40% implant or implant related (extractions, ridge preservation, lateral ridge augmentation, sinus elevation, etc.) and 60% periodontal (non-surgical, surgical [including LANAP], regenerative, gingival grafting [including Pinhole Surgical Technique], biopsies, tooth exposures for orthodontics, functional and esthetic crown lengthening). Approved provider for VA patients approximately 5-7% of production.

Fayetteville is the 5th largest city in state. It is centrally located 1 hour south of Raleigh, 2 hours to Charlotte, less than 2 hours to the coast and a little over 3 hours to mountains. Referral base/patient pool is from 5 surrounding counties.

Office lease in for next 4 years and option for 5 more years is transferable to new owner. Owner looking to sell and can stay through transition for 6 months or longer if desired.

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