
How to Transition Your Dental Practice

Nov 15, 2019 | Successful Transitions

When you make the decision to transition your dental practice, it can feel overwhelming. There are many different reasons why a dentist might decide it’s time to transition their dental practice, but everyone is looking for the same thing – a clear path into a new chapter. This is an exciting time, and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Learn how you can transition your dental practice on your terms.

When To Transition Your Dental Practice

Preparing For Retirement
If you’re planning to retire soon, you will want to find someone who can lead your practice and connect with the values of both your patients and staff. This can seem like a daunting task, but we created a smooth transition process so that you can don’t have to worry about whether or not your practice is in good hands. We walk you through the process with ease so that you can start your transition and spend more time doing the things you love.

Planning For a Move
A big move can mean a lot of different changes for your career. Whether you’re moving to a different practice or to be closer to family, it’s important to have a clear plan in place. If you’re thinking about a move now or in ten years, our team of professionals can help you feel prepared for the future.

Entering a New Season of Life
Dentistry isn’t everyone’s lifelong career, and some people decide to make a change in their field. Although it can feel overwhelming to sell your practice, finding a like-minded buyer can give you peace of mind about your transition. Whatever your reason might be for selling your practice, our Trusted Transition Process will help you move into your next season of life.

Make a Plan for Your Dental Practice
You don’t have to be on the verge of retirement to make a plan for your dental practice. It’s important to start thinking about your timeline, and our team created the Practice Optimizer Experience to walk you through how you can start preparing now. If you’re looking to transition your practice sooner, our professionals will create a plan that fits your needs. The Trusted Transition Process offers a clear path to transition your practice while maintaining your legacy.

Establish the Value of Your Dental Practice
There can be a lot of anxiety around the listing price of your practice, and many dentists don’t know how much their practice is worth. We use an independent CPA firm that serves as a value-rater for each practice. They establish a fair price based on location, revenue and cash flow of the practice. This evaluation system ensures that you receive the true value of your dental practice and that you feel confident accepting an offer.

Find the Perfect Match
Find the person who can step into the dental practice you have worked so hard to build. We know how important it is to leave your practice in great hands, and we will help you set up objectives to help you feel confident about finding the right person for the job. Our website is visited by a wide range of potential buyers, and we keep your transition discreet until you’re ready to tell your staff and your patients. Learn how our Trusted Transition Process can give you peace of mind throughout the entire process. You can browse potential buyers at and find the perfect person to buy your practice. If you have immediate questions, one of our professionals is ready to walk you through the next steps to transition your practice.