RF-3013 Stockton, CA (Real Estate Also Available)
Location: Stockton, CA
Revenue: $580,000
Operatories: 4


Active Patient Count: 1836
Type of Practice: General
    • Sale of Practice
Agent: Roy Fruehauf

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Stockton, CA - 4 OP GP practice in great area with Real Estate - This 4 OP GP practice is in a very nice area of Stockton CA. Office is 1,411 SF. Real Estate Also Available. Practice has ~1,836 active patients, and is doing 4 days of hygiene a week. Currently open 4 days a week. Owner/Dr. is referring out perio, endo, OS, and pedo. They are utilizing Eaglesoft Practice Management software with Schick digital x-ray sensors. Practice employs (2) hygienists, (1) Office Manager, and (1) Front Desk person. Close to the highway for easy access for patients.  ASKING PRICE: $490,000 - REAL ESTATE:  $400,000

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