Former Corporate Dental Office for sale in Monroe, North Carolina
Location: Monroe, North Carolina
Revenue: $1,500,000
Operatories: 9
Active Patient Count: 2450
Type of Practice: General
- Sale of Practice
Agent: Neal McFadden
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This practice is currently owned by a corporate dental group that is looking to sell. It’s a very large practice with nine operatories. A very good staff. The current dentist has had to retire and currently there are a few temporary Dentists working in the office. It has historically done 1,500,000+. It is in a commercial area roughly 7 miles from I 485. It is currently in an assignable lease. The lease is roughly $9800 per month and has over 3800 ft.². This office is built for multiple Dentist if you wanted to expand. The practice is in network with insurance.